A Beginner’s Guide On Learning Java

Hussain Omer
4 min readOct 19, 2020


System.out.println(“Do you want to learn Java?🙆”);

A programming language that continues to be the leader in the world of development. It is capable of handling many of the tedious and complex tasks such as memory management and pointers; hence, it makes it easier to write and run it for programmers.

It’s the most commonly used language in the world, and a good precursor to learning other languages like C++, Python, C, C#…etc.

Nonetheless, it also prepares you well for many well-paying programmer jobs!

System.out.println(“So, how do I start learning Java?🤔”);

#1: Watch Online Tutorial Videos

This is a great way to start learning Java, or any programming language, in general. Watching videos is a great learning tactic, and will allow you to easily grasp new concepts. It is a really good way to approach learning new things, as you are able to visualize and then implement it, accordingly.

If you want to learn Java from scratch, from the very basics till the most advanced concepts, I have created a YT channel for Java tutorials, click here if you are interested!

Watching videos is also a great way to “organize” your learning. It is not a mix-match of easy and advanced topics, as it starts from scratch and builds up, accordingly.

I would really recommend you start watching tutorial videos and be sure to check out my channel too! 😜

I will also post exercises and their solutions with explanations so it gives you a better idea and clears your concepts!

#2: Join Online Classes

Another great way to start learning any programming language. If you are the type of person to learn better with reading concepts and applying them, then this is a great way for you to get your hands on Java! Most of the classes are free to join, but if they require any fees or charges, then it’s still worth it!

At the end of the class, you will get a light certificate that certifies that you have completed this course. This will only be applicable if you pay for the course — but all in all, who wouldn’t want a certificate!? It is a great way to put on your resumé and will certainly impress your employers!

If you do not want a certificate, you can learn the courses for free too. Since Java is a precursor and a great start in the world of programming, it will be eminently easy for you to grasp new concepts and learn at a quick pace! I would recommend that you join online classes and take the Java course, as it covers every aspect of Java from the basics to advanced algorithms and data structures. It also has examples and videos that also help better explain the problems and the solutions, accordingly.

If you feel that you are comfortable with the concepts, try their exercises, as it is a great way to put your skills to a real test!😃

Some great online classes to join to learn Java or any other programming language include:

#3: Try Online Practice Tests/Exercises

This applies only after you have watched tutorial videos (I mean my videos hehe) or joined online classes and have successfully completed the course or at least midway through it. Now, you can apply your learning and the knowledge to problems and practice tests.

These tests can be found online or they can also be in the class you have joined!

In my opinion, once you go past through any concept whether it be learning the different types of loops in java, if/else statements, algorithms, primitive data types — you should apply your knowledge to online tests, as that is a great way to tell your strengths and weaknesses. This will tell you what you need to be focusing on and what you already know. Java is also a case-sensitive language — meaning, you have to be very careful of your uppercase and lowercase letters, so doing practice tests will surely make you comfortable with it!

While there are also more methods for learning Java, these are the most common and helpful ones. So, use these learning methods and you will be proficient in Java in no time! (guaranteed😉)

System.out.println(“You are all set and ready to go!🙂”);



Hussain Omer
Hussain Omer

Written by Hussain Omer

CS Student. Content Creator. 20.

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